๐ฆ COVID-19 Update
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Hello everyone
We are nearly at the end of the first half term under our COVID-19 risk assessment and I am over the moon that we have not yet had to send any bubbles home and that our attendance has been above national and Manchester averages.
This has been a fantastic achievement by families, children and staff, resulting in the children receiving a full education and happy with their friends.
However, I am starting to be concerned about the number of children who need to self-isolate at home because a parent or family member has received a positive test result. In some classes, there is an emerging pattern of increased positive cases in households and this significantly increases the risk of cases coming into school, which will then result in children being sent home.
You can see that the most recent of figures for Manchester and Newton Heath are high and everyone connected with school must ensure that they are distanced from other households, whether that is on the playground or outside of school. A hug or an affectionate pat on the arm are the most normal things for us all, but at these times it could harm us all. There is no cause for alarm, but there is cause for caution.
I know from my own personal experience that many people resent the efforts they are making whilst other people apparently ignore rules or are unaware of the guidance. Please resist the urge to copy the behaviour of others and continue to do the right thing.
These are the restrictions that we are likely to be under very soon.
I know you will be aware of the consequences of children being sent home to self-isolate but I think it is worth highlighting some of them again:
Families will need to stay at home to care for children, and in these circumstances, they can not rely on other family members from other houses.
Family incomes could be impacted and holidays lost.
Vulnerable family members could be put at risk.
The children will need support with learning at home.
The children will miss their friends and teachers.
Learning at home will not be as productive as learning in school.
There are many different views about the seriousness of COVID-19, ranging from high levels of anxiety to a very relaxed outlook. Whatever our own opinions are, please follow the guidance so that the children are in school happy and learning. The other thing to remember, is that if COVID-19 is passed to the staff, it could have a huge impact on safe staffing levels and children may need to be sent home, even without a positive case in a bubble.
You may have heard that schools nearby in Oldham are asking parents to wear face coverings when dropping off/collecting their children, we have not received similar guidance ourselves, but feel free to wear one as an extra precaution. None of our children are expected to wear face coverings. The most important rules for us are that all families need to socially distance on the playgrounds (and outside of schools), not touch one another and also ensure that children living with people with symptoms and/or positive test results are self-isolating.
Letโs aim for another half term with no bubbles sent home and the children happy learning in school. It is likely to be even harder to achieve through the winter, but it can be done if we follow the rules in school and at home.
Many thanks for all your cooperation and support.
Mr. Sharp
Head Teacher