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Culcheth Lane, Newton Heath, Manchester, M40 1LS
England, M40 1LS
United Kingdom

0161 681 3455

Governing Body


All Saints Voluntary Aided Church of England Primary School

Governing Body

All Saints School is an ancient foundation known to have been in existence in 1676. In 1689, a new school was built and in 1763, the Reverend W. Purcell, the incumbent of Newton, endowed it with ÂĢ200 for educating the poor. In 1821, the Reverend T. Gaskell, the Rector, set up the Newton Heath Day and Sunday School Trust. From this time, the Sunday School has always met in the school building. In 1829, the School became a National Society School with a Deed of Union, still operative, 'that the children are instructed in the liturgy and Catechism of the Established Church.' The old school, that stood within living memory in All Saints Street, was built in 1854.

Our Trust Deed written in 1821, updated in 1826 and then again in 1854 (when the previous school building was built).

Given the age and complexity of the Trust Deed, here are the main points:

The church and the local overseers for the poor used an endowment from William Parnell’s will to set up a new school (a school linked to the chapel had been in place for a long time and funded by other endowments in the past) for 15 boys and girls, with the aim of educating the poor of the local area.

  • Trustees were appointed from the local area and a system agreed for the appointment of future trustees.

  • 15 boys and girls were to be instructed in Religious Studies, reading, writing and accounts.

  • The school house had recently been upgraded by using local private subscriptions. This was situated across what is now All Saints Street, opposite our church (which had recently been reconstructed and is the building we use today).

  • The School House Garden could be used by the Headmaster or Headmistress to grow produce for themselves, but they couldn’t use the garden to build new structures etc.

  • The Trustees had to appoint the Headmaster or Headmistress who had to be members of the Church of England. They were also responsible for paying them and removing them if there was any inappropriate behaviour.

  • The day school would be open to the children every day with the exception of Sunday. There was already a Sunday School in place, and the building had to continue to allow this continue on the school premises.

  • The rent charged for the house and garden had to be used for the repair and maintenance of the school.

  • Trustees were permitted to withhold money given to them for their own expenses.

In 1853, the Trust Deed was updated to reflect the school joining the National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church throughout England and Wales, in that the National Society provided ÂĢ75 for the construction of the new school (built 1854). This marked the first real shift from local funding to national funding for our school, initially through the National Society and then to the government as the Voluntary Aided school we are today. This was also the first mention of us being known as All Saints School, as opposed to Newton Day School as it had been known up to that time.

What is clear within the Trust Deed is the following:

  • The school was for the poor of the local area who didn’t receive any education.

  • Children (boys and girls) were to be educated in Religious Studies, Reading, Writing and Mathematics.

  • The school would be open every day for local children.

  • Money left by wealthier local parishioners was to fund the Head Teacher. The Church would provide the land, rooms, fixtures and furniture.

  • The school was to be run along the principles of the established Church of England.

  • The school would become part of a larger network of Church of England schools through the National Society.

What does this mean for us today?

The Trust Deed remains the legal basis for the school and still applies, albeit with different legal frameworks, funding and responsibilities. We are still a school for the local community, providing for the specific needs of all children who we care for. We remain part of the family of Church of England schools, and aim to live by and promote Christian values (shared with other beliefs) using teachings from Christian stories. We are still committed to providing our children with the fundamental skills they will need in the future.

We believe our vision ofâ€Ķ

Through the Christian values of perseverance, respect and love we can all be Healthy, Happy and Confident.

â€Ķrespects our Trust Deed and reflects the constants inherited from the past, whilst addressing the needs of our entire community today.


Finance, Premises and Staffing Committee

Chair, Jeff Blanchard

Terms of Reference

Curriculum and Standards Committee

Chair, Andrew Wickens

Terms of Reference

Pay Committee

Chair, Andrew Wickens

Terms of Reference

Head Teacher Appraisal

Chair, Olive Wadsworth

The following meet when required and constituted at the time following terms of reference.

Pay appeals

Complaint appeals

Pupil Discipline & Exclusion panel

Staff Discipline & Dismissal panel

Staff Discipline & Dismissal appeal panel

Our Governor services:


Chair of Governing Body


Mrs O. Wadsworth

Diocesan Foundation Governor

Appointed by: Foundation

From: 24/09/2020

To: 24/09/2025

Committee Membership:

- Finance, Premises and Staffing

- Curriculum and Standards

- Pay

- Head Teacher Appraisal

Positions of Responsibility:

- Governor induction

- Target setting

- Curriculum & Assessment

- English (inc. writing)

- Mathematics

- Early Years


None (Declared October 2022)


Vice Chair of Governing Body


Rev. A. Wickens

Rector of All Saints Church

Appointed by: Ex-officio foundation governor (appointed by the foundation by virtue of the office they hold)

From: 01/09/2020

To: 01/09/2025

Committee Membership:

- Chair of Finance, Premises and Staffing Committee

- Chair of Curriculum and Standards Committee

- Pay

- Head Teacher Appraisal

Positions of Responsibility:

- Child Protection, Safeguarding and Prevent


- Pupil Premium

- Attendance

- Mental Health and Wellbeing

- R.E. & Worship

- Foreign Languages

- Music

- Middle Years


- Business Interest - Incumbent of Newton Heath. Portion of the churchyard currently leased under Faculty by Manchester City Council for use as a playground by the school. (Declared October 2022)

- Links to Other Educational Establishment - Member of the Governing Body of St. Wilfrid’s CE Primary School, Newton Heath. (Declared October 2022)

Visit the Church website

Visit the Church website

Visit the Diocese website

Visit the Diocese website


School Governors


Miss K. England

Staff Governor

Appointed by: Elected by school staff

From: 21.09.2023

To: 20.09.2027

Committee Membership:

- Finance, Premises and Staffing


None (Declared September 2023)


Local Authority Representative Governor


Azra Syed

Local Authority Representative

Appointed by: Nominated by the Local Authority and appointed by the Governing Body

From: 12/07/2023

To: 11/07/2027

Committee Membership:

Positions of Responsibility:


None (Declared July 2023)

Visit the Local Authority website

Visit the Local Authority website


Foundation Governors


Ms R. Coo

Appointed by: Foundation

From: 26/09/2023

To: 30/09/2027

Committee Membership:

Curriculum and Standards

Positions of Responsibility:



None (Declared October 2022)


Mr J. Blanchard

Appointed by: Foundation

From: 17/11/2023

To: 17/11/2027

Committee Membership:

- Finance, Premises and Staffing

- Pay

- Head Teacher Appraisal

Positions of Responsibility:

- Health & Safety

- Upper Years

- Science


None (Declared October 2022)


Mr W. Adelakun

Appointed by: Foundation

From: 10/03/2022

To: 10/03/2026

Committee Membership:

- Curriculum and Standards

Positions of Responsibility:


None (Declared January 2023)


Mrs R. Flatman

Appointed by: Foundation

From: 11/07/2023

To: 10/07/2027

Committee Membership:

- Finance, Premises and Staffing

- Curriculum and Standards

Positions of Responsibility:

- LAC (position in school)


Member of staff (Declared July 2023)



Appointed by: Foundation



Committee Membership:

Positions of Responsibility:


Parent Governors


Mrs S. Miller

Appointed by: Elected by parents

From: 10/12/2023

To: 09/12/2027

Committee Membership:

Positions of Responsibility:


None (Declared December 2023)



Appointed by: Elected by parents



Committee Membership:

Positions of Responsibility:




Get information about schools

Here you can see the details of our governing body.

Governor Attendance, 2022-2023


Governor Attendance, 2021-2022