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Culcheth Lane, Newton Heath, Manchester, M40 1LS
England, M40 1LS
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0161 681 3455

Breakfast Club ๐Ÿฅฃ

Breakfast Club


Mrs Tierney

Breakfast Club Lead

We are very proud that we donโ€™t charge families for places at our Breakfast Club. This is possible due to the funding we receive from Greggs Foundation, and a contribution from the school budget to pay the staff for their time.

Click the image to read the most recent impact report for the Greggs Foundation

โ€œWe started the breakfast club programme in 1999 because we knew there were children all over the country attending school every day without having breakfast.ย Hungry children find it harder to concentrate and learn, ultimately impacting their academic attainment.

Everybody knows the benefits of a healthy breakfast, but not every child gets one before the start of the school day.โ€
— Greggs Foundation

Greggs provide us with a weekly supply of fresh bread for toast and a budget to buy other items. The children then have the opportunity to play with each other before going to class.

Our Breakfast Club is aimed at the needs of our children first. We always want to help families where we can, but we donโ€™t run it purely for childcare purposes.


The aims of Greggs Foundation and our own are the same:

  • Ensure all children can have a healthy breakfast at the start of the day.

  • Help prepare them for the day ahead in school.

  • Improve attendance in school, and reduce the number of children who are late.

Who can attend?

This is our criteria for offering places, as we are always oversubscribed:

  1. Whose family are being supported by outside support agencies.

  2. Who have Special Educational Needs and would benefit from a settled start to the day.

  3. Who have low attendance rates and often late due to factors out of their control.

  4. Whose parent is a member of staff, and is needed to help run Breakfast Club.

  5. Whose family have specific medical or family circumstances that prevents them from bringing their children to school.

  6. Those children who are recorded on the school management system as being entitled to Free School Meals.

  7. Whose family are experiencing financial hardship and are struggling to pay for meals.

  8. Whose parents/carers ability to work would be affected by not having a place.


Due to the popularity of our Breakfast Club, we are really sorry when we have to inform families that we canโ€™t offer a place at that particular time. It is often the case that families requesting places for childcare purposes due to their work commitments, are not offered places due to Breakfast Club being filled from the first few criteria.

The information below may be helpful in finding alternative providers, and also guide you to possible schemes for helping with paying for childcare.

Here are some links to local providers.

Click on any of the images below to take you to the government website Childcare Choices which can guide you to possible support for paying for childcare.