Sun Safety
Safety in the Sun
When the temperatures rise to around 25-30+ degrees, it is very important that we all take precautions to protect ourselves from extreme heat.
Our school vision is to develop Healthy, Happy and Confident children, this includes teaching them healthy habits that we hope they continue into their adult life. Not only are there immediate risks to extreme heat, such as heat stress and heatstroke, but there are longer term risks for continued unprotected exposure to the sun too.
In periods of extreme heat, the children need the following:
Appropriate uniform (polo shirts, shorts, dresses, skirts etc).
Sun hats.
Simple sunglasses (if owned, not expensive, practical and made for children).
Sunscreen (factor 50+) applied at home, and brought into school so the children can reapply it.
Full water bottles brought into school (can only be filled with water).
In school we will:
Ensure that all classrooms have thermometers that are monitored throughout the day.
Encourage the children to stay in the shade as much as possible. This may include changing playtime arrangements if necessary, and cancelling P.E. lessons.
Water coolers full in the morning, and spare bottles on standby.
Open windows first thing in the morning, and keep them open until the outside temperature is higher than inside. When the outside temperature drops, the windows will be opened again.
Leave doors open to create drafts (doors will close automatically in the event of the fire alarm sounding).
Close blinds, but not in a way that stops ventilation.
Turn off unused electrical equipment.
Create more shaded areas outside if needed.
Provide water outside.
Use different spaces where needed, including working outside in the shade, or in the hall etc.
Air conditioning units (where in place) and oscillating fans in use.
If a school trip is taking place, extreme heat will be part of the risk assessment, and adjustments will be made (considering shade, water breaks, clothing, sunscreen etc). Depending on the activities taking place on the trip (sport etc), it might be necessary to postpone the visit.