Contact Us

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Culcheth Lane, Newton Heath, Manchester, M40 1LS
England, M40 1LS
United Kingdom

0161 681 3455

Monies ðŸ’ĩ

Paying Monies

Please ensure that you sign up to Arbor Parent Portal so that you can pay for all trips, milk and clubs.


Arbor Parent Portal

Keep up to date with attendance, payments, reports and appointments.



We currently use Cool Milk as our Milk supplier for any children who would like milk from age 5 upwards (children under 5 have milk provided for them funded by the Government).

Please see below for further information and you can register your child here: Register your child for Cool Milk



Fund raising events are necessary in order to keep our School Fund healthy, and to give the children opportunities to learn about money and improving their school. We will hold a Christmas and Summer Fair each year with a number of other events throughout the year.