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Culcheth Lane, Newton Heath, Manchester, M40 1LS
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0161 681 3455

Current News ๐Ÿ—ž

๐ŸŽ„ COVID-19 Bubbles

Guest User

It has been announced today that Greater Manchester is to be placed in Tier 3 on Tuesday 1st December, once the National Restrictions are lifted. Obviously this isnโ€™t the news any of us would want to receive, but I think it reflects the high levels of COVID-19 locally.

School will remain open until 1.30pm Friday 18th December, unless there is a significant change in guidance. The chart below explains what Tier 3 the rules and restrictions are.


The better news for everyone, is the introduction of the โ€˜Christmas Bubbleโ€™ between Wednesday 23rd December and Sunday 27th December. This is where three households can form one exclusive bubble over the period.

The rules can be a little tricky to understand in places and you can read the full guidance here:


During the holidays, we still need families to inform us if any of the children receive a positive test result. This is particularly important for the days leading up to our return on Monday 4th January 2021. Please complete the form below if you need to inform us of a positive test result.

Mr. J. SharpHead Teacher

Mr. J. Sharp

Head Teacher