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0161 681 3455

Current News ๐Ÿ—ž

Christmas Week Events

Mrs. R. Flatman

 All of the school have been busy decorating our outside trees again this year as we spread our Christmas spirit with families and our community. 

We have lots of things to look forward to this next week in the lead up to Christmas (see below for details). We will share many of these virtually with you but have tried to plan something for you to share with us also. 

Tuesday 14th December

Nativity shared with whole school (this will be shared virtually with parents). 

Tuesday 14th December 3pm

Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be Carol Singing on the KS1 Yard - Parents welcome!

Wednesday 15th December

Christmas Dinner Day - Children invited to wear Christmas Jumpers and Outfits and return their Christingle Collection Boxes. 

Please donโ€™t forget to order you childโ€™s Christmas Dinner on Orianโ€™s Lunchshop beforehand. 

Wednesday 15th December 3pm

Year 3 - 6 will be Carol Singing on the KS2 Yard - Parents welcome!

Thursday 16th December

Christmas Party Day! Children can come to school in their party clothes. 

Friday 17th December 

School closes at 1.30pm. Children may come in their own clothes.

Please get in touch if you have any questions at all.

Thank you,

Mrs Flatman

๐Ÿฆ  COVID-19 Update

Guest User

Below you will find a letter confirming that we have identified COVID-19 cases in school. As well as making the important points in the letter, I wanted to repeat some other critical others things too.

The symptoms shown in one of the cases was mostly vomiting and diarrhoea. There have been other cases of these in school recently, and I want to repeat that children should not come into school after suffering an episode of diarrhoea or vomiting for 48 hours, and should take a PCR test to rule out COVID-19.

Case rates for primary age children in Manchester are high now, and have been steadily rising since the beginning of September. Please be extra careful and cautious when your child is unwell and use lateral flow tests (LFD) and PCR tests to rule out COVID-19.

I canโ€™t stress how important it is for everyone to do their bit in keeping COVID-19 out of school, particularly the Omicron variant which is now spreading quickly in the UK. The previous variants will keep people off school and make more people poorly, but the Omicron variant will result in large numbers of children self-isolating and also staff too if it isnโ€™t controlled properly. So chancing it and sending children in will only result in more disruption for everyone, including for you and your child.

As of today there are 286 confirmed cases of Omicron in the UK, and this could be in the thousands per day in over a weekโ€™s time. There is no need for alarm and panic, but I ask everyone to try their hardest with:

  • Keeping children off with symptoms and getting a test (remembering to include the wider range of symptoms including diarrhoea and vomiting).

  • Bringing children in on time and at the correct place.

  • Hand hygiene.

  • Catch it, bin it, kill it.

  • Not mixing with other people with symptoms and/or a positive test result.

My final plea is that if we all want a Christmas holiday where we can enjoy the company of loved ones, then we need to try our hardest to reduce the risk of transmission.

Thank you for your support, I know it isnโ€™t easy at times, but it does make a real difference in school.

Mr J Sharp

Head Teacher

๐Ÿฆ  COVID-19 Omicron Update

Guest User

Government Update

You may have heard over the weekend that the government have reintroduced some measures as a precaution against the new variant of COVID-19, named Omicron. These measures include:

  • All international arrivals must take a Day 2 PCR test and self-isolate until they receive a negative result.

  • All contacts of suspected Omicron cases must self-isolate, regardless of their vaccination status. They will be contacted by NHS Test and Trace.

  • Face coverings will be made compulsory in shops and on public transport. All hospitality settings will be exempt.

Click the image to watch the highlights from the government briefing on Omicron.

Department for Education Update

On Sunday 28th November, schools received an email from the Department for Education including the following:

Information for all education and childcare settings on new measures in response to the identification of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in the UK

On Saturday 27 November, the Prime Minister announced new temporary measures following the emergence of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in the UK. 

The new measures will be introduced as a precaution to slow down the spread of the variant while we gather more information. We will continue to keep this under review as the situation develops.

Face coverings

Face coverings should be worn in communal areas in all settings by staff and visitors unless they are exempt. 


All educational and childcare settings should continue to encourage staff to test twice weekly using lateral flow device (LFD) tests

Contact tracing and isolation

The current guidance on contact tracing and isolation remains in place. In addition to these, any suspected or confirmed close contacts of the Omicron variant will be asked to isolate for 10 days regardless of vaccination status or age. You will be contacted directly and told to isolate.


All eligible staff are encouraged to take up the offer of the vaccine, including boosters.

Vaccines are our best defence against COVID-19. They help protect young people and adults, and benefit those around them. Vaccination makes people less likely to catch the virus and less likely to pass it on.

Changes to the red list for international travel to England

Individuals arriving in England from red list countries must follow the red list rules.

South Africa, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Namibia and Zimbabwe moved onto the red list at 12pm Friday 26 November. 

Angola, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia were added to the red list 4am Sunday 28 November.

Schools, out of school settings and colleges will want to consider whether to go ahead with planned international educational visits at this time, recognising the risk of disruption to education resulting from the need to isolate and test on arrival back into the UK.

School Update

As you will know, we are really trying to improve our attendance at the moment, as it is very low. The reintroduction of self-isolation for contacts of those who test positive for the Omicron variant, risks furthering damaging our school attendance, makes it more likely for staff to be off and increases the possibility of returning to remote learning. At the present time this will be handled by NHS Track and Trace, but it is very possible that they will need support from schools on identifying close contacts.

What we are doing until the end of term:

  • Assemblies and services will return to virtual and not in the hall. This includes the Nativity performance which was already going to be recorded.

  • Where possible, classes will use the stairs one class at a time.

  • Staff will need to wear face coverings in corridors and shared spaces.

  • Meetings will be carried out virtually and not face-to-face.

  • Staff will be testing themselves twice a week.

  • Limits will be placed on the number of staff entering rooms.

  • Visitors (including parents) will not be able to come into the building. Essential maintenance will be carried out with the fewest number of people in the building.

  • Ventilation of rooms to continue.

  • After-school clubs and Breakfast Club will remain open as they are for the time being.

  • We will be changing the seating arrangements at lunchtime to keep children sat in their classes whilst in the hall and dining room.

  • Visitors and external providers can continue to come into school to support children.

What we need from families:

  • Children must arrive on time and in the correct place. We do not want to have children coming in the front entrance unless absolutely necessary.

  • Ensure that if your child has symptoms they are kept off school and taken for a PCR test.

  • Please remember that if anyone in your household tests positive for the Omicron variant, the children MUST self-isolate for 10 days. I canโ€™t stress too strongly how important this is. Do not try and chance it because it is inconvenient.

  • Please remember that masking symptoms using Calpol is not allowed, and that if a child vomits in school or at home, they must stay off school for 48 hours after the last period of vomiting.

  • Children must sanitise and wash their hands regularly.

We must prepare ourselves for the reintroduction of bubbles too. They are not recommended yet, but if the news on the Omicron variant isnโ€™t good, then we could very quickly find ourselves needing to reintroduce even more restrictions.

I can promise you that neither the staff or I would wish to reintroduce restrictions, but it is extremely important that the children do not miss any more education than they already have. That, and the protection of the rest of our community, is the most important thing right now.

I donโ€™t think there is any need for panic as we donโ€™t yet know how the Omicron variant affects people, how much pressure the NHS will be put under and how serious it is for those who are vulnerable. We shouldn't assume the worst, but caution is the sensible approach in my view.

If you have any questions about these changes, please check our risk assessment, and/or email the school at

Thank you again for your support, patience and understanding.

Mr J Sharp

Head Teacher