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📋 Ofsted letter following October visit

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📋 Ofsted letter following October visit

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Dear Parents/Carers

Below you will find the letter written by the Ofsted inspection team following their visit in October. As it was not a full inspection, the letter is very short and factual.

Even thought it does not recognise the hard work, care, talent, cooperation, support and commitment we have in our school community, everyone, whether they are children, teaching staff, non-teaching support staff, governors and certainly families, should feel proud that we have reopened the school so calmly and efficiently in such difficult times.

It is often the case that we focus on the challenges in front of us, and whilst that is very important to me in continuing to improve our school for the future, I certainly feel very proud of our collective effort so far this year.

Thank you again everyone and well done.

Mr. J. SharpHead Teacher

Mr. J. Sharp

Head Teacher