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Sir Linkalot App

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Sir Linkalot App

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Sir Linkalot Resource on the class pages.

Wednesday 22nd April 2020

This is a free to use award-winning spelling app for common exception words that we are trialling for our children during the school closure period.

Sir Linkalot helps with the spelling of tricky common exception words, all the way from was, two and they up to accommodation, manoeuvre and even onomatopoeia! It is reported that the app is achieving incredible results, especially for those children who Eind spelling an issue and we would like to put that to the test.

Sir Linkalot has kindly giving all parents and schools free access to his resources during lockdown to enable children of all ages, 4 years old upwards, to have Sir Linkalot Time at home.

There will be a midweek 30 min show online, starting this Thursday (23rd April 2020) at 2 o'clock, on Sir Linkalot's Facebook page and Youtube channel.

Each word bundle has two forms of testing so the children can challenge themselves and other family members as they can use the code too.

It is reported that there is a small problem with android devices at the moment but once you have downloaded the Sir Linkalot app from the App Store all you have to do is tap on the log icon at the top right of the screen and enter the word 'Free' is both the username and password.

Your child(ren) should find a bundle of words that they feel comfortable with, tap on it and they can then start using the resources.

You can also view Sir Linkalot resources on a laptop or PC. Type in the browser, not a search engine, and follow the log in instructions like you would do with the app.

Kind regards

Miss Caveney