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Current News 🗞

Update on Reopening Preparations

All Saints C of E


Dear Parents / Carers

We are working very hard on the many aspects of preparing for a phased reopening of school and making very good progress. I will be writing to all families next week (w/b 1st June) to outline the plans, and then in the following week (w/b 8th June) more detailed documents will be placed in the new COVID-19 area of the school website.

What we can tell you at this point is that some staff will be returning to the building in the week beginning Monday 8th June (after the end of half term) to ensure that the building is ready for a safe return. In addition, we can tell you that no pupils will be returning until Monday 15th June at the earliest.

You will receive much more detail next week and enjoy the sunshine.

Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs. L. Tennant

Head Teacher