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Final Letter from Mrs. Tennant 👋

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Dear Parents and Carers,

Well, my final day in school before I retire has arrived! I am certainly not retiring in the way we all expected. When I announced my plan over a year ago now to retire at the end of this academic year, none of us knew then how much this virus would affect all our lives. Since we closed our doors to most pupils back in March, it certainly has been challenging professionally for everyone in school and also at home in all our personal lives. 

Obviously, due to the current COVID-19 protective measures in place at school, I am not able to say farewell in the way I would have liked. Normally at this time of year, we would be having events such as the Bible Presentation in Church, Year 6 Assembly and the Final Presentation Assembly where there would have been opportunities to see you all and say goodbye. 

I will take with me so many memories from my career in teaching especially from All Saints as 27 out of the 33 years I have worked have been here. It has been an honour and privilege to serve you all and want to say thank you for your support over the years in helping me make our school such an amazing place to work and learn. 

As you are aware, it is not just me who is leaving. I want to make a special mention of Mrs Reynolds who is also retiring. Mrs Reynolds has worked here even longer than me!! She has been an extremely hard working, loyal and dedicated member of staff who will be greatly missed. I know that you will join me in wishing her a happy, healthy and well deserved retirement.

The other leavers who deserve a special mention are our Year 6 children who have not had the send off they deserve by missing out on all the leavers events that we were so much looking forward to this week. Year 6 also missed out on their Isle of Man trip. Mrs Casey and the other school staff have tried to give them as good a send off as possible. I am very proud of them all.

Hopefully, when it is safe to do so, we can all come back together one day to celebrate and catch up.

It feels very strange leaving after such a long time but one of my proudest achievements is finding all the talented staff who support the children so much and therefore I feel content in the knowledge that the school will be left in the extremely capable hands of Mr Sharp and his team. I cannot thank the staff enough for their constant support and dedication over the years. The same is true of the Governing Body who has supported me through both the good and more challenging times in school. 

I will not miss the early morning alarm calls, motorway traffic hold ups, Ofsted Inspections and the constant change in education policy but I will miss all of you. Thank you for your gifts, cards and messages. I will treasure them all forever.

Good luck in September!


Mrs Tennant