Monday 12th July - Changes to the start of the day
Mrs. R. Flatman
We are very aware that the majority of you will be watching the final on Sunday and know that the children are all very excited about it, as we are.
Due to the lateness of the match and possibilities of late nights, we have made the decision to extend the closures of Registers in classes on Monday.
Breakfast Club and all classes will be open from normal time but we will extend the time that you are able to bring your children until 10am if you would like to bring them in a little later.
We ask that you are understanding of the difficulties this may cause with bubbles still in force so ask for your patience along with not gathering or crowding near or on the yard. There will be members of staff on the entrance of the Junior Yard (next to Church) and the Infant Yard until 10am.
All children need to be in school by 10am to get their morning mark. The gates will be closed at 10am and those arriving after will need to come in the front entrance and will be marked in as late.
Thank you - enjoy the match!
Mrs Flatman
Deputy Head Teacher