ðĨ School Meals Update
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Dear Families
As you may know, Orian (our catering provider) have experienced really difficult challenges in providing their usual menu since retuning after Christmas.
There are usually 3 people in the kitchen, and since returning, this has been down to 1. Orian (like many organisations) are struggling with staff absence and therefore they have not been able to provide us with supply cover. Therefore, we have only been provided with cold options so far.
We are told by Orian that they believe the situation will improve from tomorrow, when they hope to have a member of the team back in the kitchen. It appears unlikely that the full team will be back in until next week, and that is if no more of them need to self-isolate.
Like you, we really want our children to have healthy hot meal options at lunchtime, and we are very pleased that the kitchen team will restart making a limit hot option from tomorrow and for the rest of the week. In addition to the sandwiches, there will be a daily hot option on offer. The children will need to continue to make their choices in the classrooms in the morning, as the app can not be changed from the set menu at such short notice and for lots of different schools.
We have been in daily contact with Orian and their kitchen team, and it is sadly one example of the disruption caused by the rapid spread of COVID-19.
Thank you for patience in this matter, we are very grateful.
Mr Sharp
Head Teacher
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