Parent Support News ๐Ÿก โ€” All Saints C of E Primary School

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Parent Support News ๐Ÿก

NEW - Messy Church

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NEW - Messy Church

Messy Church is a form of church for children and adults that involves creativitycelebration and hospitality.

  • It's primarily for people who don't already belong to another form of church.

  • It meets at a time (and sometimes in a place) that suits people who don't already belong to church.

It typically includes a welcome, a long creative time to explore the biblical theme through getting messy; a short celebration time involving story, prayer, song, games and similar; and a sit-down meal together at tables. All elements are for, and should include, people of all ages, adults and children.

  • It's fun.

  • It's a church for people at all stages of their faith journey and of any age - a congregation that is as valuable and worthy of investment as any of your other congregations.

  • It models and promotes good ways of growing as a family: a nuclear family, an extended family, and a global and local church family.

  • Its aim is to introduce Jesus, to give an opportunity to encounter him and to grow closer to him.

Messy Church is part of BRF (Christian charity) which believes, with the historic churches, in one God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • Messy Church is resourced, supported and enabled by BRF.

๐Ÿ˜Ž Fun this Summer...try something new.

Guest User

We have tried to pull together some different activities for the children over the long break over the summer - some to pay for, some free.

Learning never stops, and it doesnโ€™t need to pen and paper - there are so many fascinating things to explore (and gives the tablet a rest).

Excellent book recommendations.

Find out about events around Manchester this summer.

Inspired by Robinwood or interested in outdoor and adventurous activities? Check this out.

What is on at Newton Heath Library?

Fun reading activities

Stay safe this summer.

Tips and guides on more local activities.

Summer of reading challenge - prizes to be won.

Stay active this summer with superheroes.

Donโ€™t forget there are many, many activities and links on the different zones of our websiteโ€ฆ

Look after your wellbeing this summer.

๐Ÿ˜Ž Heatwave Coming to an End

Guest User

We recorded a maximum of 37.9 degrees in the shade on the KS2 playground.

Hello everyone

Despite the relief of the cooler temperatures in church this morning, it was an even hotter day for us in school, with us reaching nearly 38 degrees outside, and some upstairs classrooms reaching 35.

I think everyone has managed really well under the extreme circumstances, even if we did have a few children a little too wet, a few tempers a little too stretched and not the levels of learning we would have on an average day. Also, thank you for remembering school uniforms today, the children looked very smart in church. Without drastic changes to the school, including the installation of air conditioning throughout, it would not be possible to run the school like this over any lengthy period of time. It is remarkable to think that the forecast for the morning puts the temperature 20 degrees lower than the maximum today, but I am sure we will all welcome a better sleep and a more comfortable day.

I am also relieved the temperature will be dropping tomorrow so we can have our Sports Day.

Rest of the Week

Wednesday 20th July 2022 - Sports Day - sports kits in the appropriate team colours if possible

Thursday 21st July 2022. - Year 6 Leavers Assembly - children in uniform

Friday 22nd July 2022. - Last day of the year - non-uniform - FINISH AT 1.30pm

I will say my proper thank yous in the newsletter on Friday, but hereโ€™s a small one for the last couple of days. Thank you.

Mr J Sharp

Head Teacher

โš ๏ธ๐Ÿฅต Extreme Heat Update

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Year 5 cooling down this afternoon

Hello everyone

Here is a quick update on the extreme heat today. It has been quite a challenge, with 34 degrees in the shade and 32 degrees in some upstairs classrooms this afternoon, but we think weโ€™ve coped pretty well under the extreme circumstances.

Some very important reminders about tomorrow:

  • Children to come into school IN UNIFORM for the Year 6 Bible Presentation in church.

  • Children to bring a change of clothes for after the service (as today - bright, cotton based shorts and t-shirts).

  • HATS. There were not many children wearing hats today. It isnโ€™t just for protecting their skin from the sun, it is to protect their heads from overheating.

  • SUNSCREEN. Please ensure your child applies it before school, and they can then bring it with them to reapply.

  • WATER BOTTLES. We need the children drinking regularly through the day in these temperatures, and in some cases we can not keep the classroom temperatures down. Please ensure they come into school with a full water bottle which they can then refill throughout the day.

We have created cooling stations on both sides of the school where the children can walk through mist zones, which they have certainly enjoyed, but they do need to keep covered and keep drinking. I think some children have been confused as to why they canโ€™t play in the sunshine, and also why they canโ€™t run around as usual, so if you could reinforce the message about the importance of preventing overheating, that would be very helpful.

It is supposed to be even hotter tomorrow, and from earlier on in the day.

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

Mr J Sharp

Head Teacher

Uniform Swap - July 2022

Mrs. R. Flatman

Dear Parents,

In preparation for next year, we are collecting in uniform that you are happy to donate which may no longer fit your child.

It must be in a good condition.

Please could you bring any donations into school by Tuesday 19th July (this is so we have time to sort into sizes prior to the swap).

We will have the available uniform displayed on Friday 22nd July (last school day) from 9am - 11am. There will be different tables for different sizes.

With bills going up everywhere, we hope this can help and by reusing clothing - itโ€™s much better for the environment too. If you are not able to come but would like some uniform, please do contact Mrs Flatman or Miss Caveney through the school office and we will try to help.

Thank you!

Mrs Flatman

๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿซ Transition Day 2022

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This is the first Transition Day for me as Head Teacher where classes could move around, and we could welcome new children and families into school. It has been really lovely to have this experience back again.

Click here to see who is teaching in each class from September.

Teaching Staff for September 2022

Early Years

Miss Sprason - (Phase Lead) and Miss Marshall

Mrs Devine, Mrs Phillipson, Mrs Beck and Mrs Bulger

Middle Years

Year 1 - Miss Cooper, Year 2 - Mrs Bloor and Miss Nulty, Year 3 - Miss Tanner (Phase Lead)

Miss Radcliffe, Mrs Horton and Mrs Farrimond

Upper Years

Year 4 - Miss England and Mrs Flatman, Year 5 - Miss Kaiser, Year 6 - Mrs Casey (Phase Lead)

Miss Joelle and Mrs Jones

The Hub

Miss Caveney (SENDCo), Mrs Tierney and Mrs Allen

You can always search our staff on the school website.

Goodbye to Miss Powell

Miss Powell is moving on in September, and we would all like to thank her for all her hard work. She has made many contributions in the short period of time she has been with us, and has definitely helped in moving the school forward. I think a highlight for many children this year was the Jubilee Picnic, which was all down to Miss Powell.

We wish Miss Powell all the very best for the future.

Annual Reports

These are now live in Parent Portal!

Please go into the app (or login online) and look for โ€˜Report Cardsโ€™. You will then be able to download the report and read the comments written by the class teachers. By using Parent Portal, it means that we have a secure way of sharing reports, and families will always have access to them in the future.

If you have a child in Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6, you will also be receiving your childโ€™s statutory assessment results. These will be sent to families separately.

If you need help logging in and using Parent Portal, please get in touch with Mrs Mason, and she will able to help.

Nearing the endโ€ฆ

With only 6.5 days until the end of the school year, it is easy to think that this time isnโ€™t important. However, there are 190 school days a year, and each one is as important as another. I really want to see all the children in school up until 1.30pm next Friday, and take every opportunity to learn and play with their friends and teachers.

Next week we have our leavers events (see below), please remember that we need to know who is intending to come to school presentations because of fire regulations. Please get in touch if you are unsure about whether you have completed a form.

Tuesday 19th July 2022 - Uniform swap collection. Year 6 Bible Presentation Service, 9.30am All Saints Church

Wednesday 20th July 2022 - Sports Day (fingers crossed for good weather)

Thursday 21st July 2022 - Year 6 Leavers Assembly, 2pm School

Friday 22nd July 2022 - Uniform swap morning. Final day - 1.30pm finish.

Thank you for your support as always.


Mr Sharp

Head Teacher

๐Ÿ Masonry Bees on KS2 Playground

Guest User

We have some new visitors today on the KS2 playground - Masonry Bees. They have set up home in the wall by the junior doors. We have had Masonry Bees before, and pest control didn't take any action as they are extremely unlikely to sting, and move on in a week or so.

You will see that an area of the playground has been coned off, and we need everyone to stay outside of this area so the bees are undisturbed and even less likely to sting.

It may take a little longer to dismiss the children as we may only use half of the junior doors at the end of the day.

Thank you for your understanding.

Masonry Bees

Many of the calls received by the pest control service between late April and mid June for bee/wasp problems turn out to be for a type of bee known as a Masonry Bee. These bees are beneficial insects and non aggressive.

Masonry Bees are generally smaller than the honey bee but similar in appearance. They are also similar in shape to, and frequently confused with, wasps. Like all bees they are important pollinators of plants but unlike honey bees and bumble bees they have no workers and no collective nest, they are known as solitary bees. If bees are reported active over a wide area, or tend to move with the sun, and are only seen on sunny days over a period of  time, then they are probably solitary bees and not honey bees. 

They are often seen on sunny days and active on sun facing elevations of buildings.  At this time they are busy excavating egg laying chambers in soft mortar joints in brick walls. However there is no damage caused by these bees to good mortar.  Slight damage may be caused to old and poorly maintained mortar.  Although they are a solitary bee they do excavate their chambers close together and thus give the impression of being a colony and occupying the same habitat.

The Masonry Bee will generally pay no attention to people and they are very unlikely to sting.

Masonry Bee activity can be discouraged by re-pointing areas of damaged mortar on walls and chimneys.

Jubilee Picnic Celebration - 19th May

Guest User

We have decided to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with a lovely picnic lunch in school on Thursday 19th May.

All pupils are invited to have a picnic lunch that day which will be prepared by our school kitchen. The lunch will be a cheese and tomato pizza and a choice of a ham, cheese or tuna sandwich, crisps, then finishing off with a cupcake and jelly and cream. The children will have their lunch served in a Union Jack meal box and have a fun bowler hat to wear. The dining area will be decorated with bunting and balloons, to give it that traditional street party feel.

Newton Heath Silver Jubilee Street Party in 1977

The day will be non-uniform for all.

If your child would like a picnic lunch, please complete the form below. Details of how to pay or whether you are entitled to a free meal are on the form, if you have any questions, please donโ€™t hesitate to contact the school office.

Experience Easter - Heathfield Church

Mrs. R. Flatman

On Tuesday 22nd March, Year 3 and Year 4 have been invited to join volunteers at Heathfield Church to Experience Easter and learn more about what Easter means to Christians and reflect on the meaning of Easter.

During this experience the class will walk to Heathfield Church, Millright Street, Newton Heath, and they will then join in 6 small workshops as well as having a snack and drink before returning back to school after about an hour and a half.

Year 4 will attend in the morning and Year 3 will attend after lunch. There is no cost for the trip and the children will need to wear their full school uniform.

Please make sure that you have completed the Local Trips Permission Form for your child to attend. If you have any questions about the trip, please donโ€™t hesitate to get in touch with Mrs Flatman at school.

We hope that the children enjoy building on their RE learning outside of school.

Mrs Flatman

Mobile Phones in School

Mrs. R. Flatman


We understand that parents may want their older children to bring a mobile phone to school if walking to school or home from school on their own but can we please remind you of some key messages / rules:

  • If your child brings their mobile phone to school it must be put away once on the school yard - please speak to your child about this as it reduces the risk of any accidents or fall outs but also there should be no photos/videos/audio clips taken of the children on the school yard.

  • Mobile phones must be handed to your childโ€™s class teacher as soon as they enter school and will be kept safe until the end of the day.

  • No child should have access to their phone during the day.

  • Please be aware that if your child is bringing their phone into school, it is their responsibility.

  • Please donโ€™t send your child into school with expensive phones, if they get broken or lost, itโ€™s just not worth it.

The school cannot be held responsible for the safety or protection of mobile phones. Some smartphones are quite fragile, especially the screens, and parents must realise that all phones are brought into school at their own risk.

We appreciate your continued support for the school on this matter.

Mrs Flatman

๐Ÿฅ— School Meals Update

Guest User

Dear Families

As you may know, Orian (our catering provider) have experienced really difficult challenges in providing their usual menu since retuning after Christmas.

There are usually 3 people in the kitchen, and since returning, this has been down to 1. Orian (like many organisations) are struggling with staff absence and therefore they have not been able to provide us with supply cover. Therefore, we have only been provided with cold options so far.

We are told by Orian that they believe the situation will improve from tomorrow, when they hope to have a member of the team back in the kitchen. It appears unlikely that the full team will be back in until next week, and that is if no more of them need to self-isolate.

Like you, we really want our children to have healthy hot meal options at lunchtime, and we are very pleased that the kitchen team will restart making a limit hot option from tomorrow and for the rest of the week. In addition to the sandwiches, there will be a daily hot option on offer. The children will need to continue to make their choices in the classrooms in the morning, as the app can not be changed from the set menu at such short notice and for lots of different schools.

We have been in daily contact with Orian and their kitchen team, and it is sadly one example of the disruption caused by the rapid spread of COVID-19.

Thank you for patience in this matter, we are very grateful.

Mr Sharp

Head Teacher

Select each day to see the options.

English as an Additional Language

Mrs. R. Flatman


We would like to support all children in our school to build and develop their language skills.

In order to support them the best we can, we need to know if your child has English as an Additional Language.

This could be:

  • Simply hearing another language being spoken at home or in the community

  • Speaking another language at home

  • Being exposed to a language other than English during their early development.


To get the right support in place we need every parent to fill in the following form so that we can ensure our records are correct and identify any children who may have English as an Additional Language.

Thank you for your support. If you would like any further information, please get in touch.

Miss Caveney


๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿซ Transition Day 2021

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Sadly, we couldnโ€™t run Transition Morning as we planned today, as self-isolation is playing havoc with staffing. We did have a short assembly first thing, and we played a game of All Saints teacher โ€˜Guess Who?โ€™. There were a few surprises, and you can see in the video below what they were.

Click here to see who is teaching in each class from September.

Class Teachers for September 2021

Early Years

Miss Sprason - (Phase Lead), Miss Caveney and Miss Cragg

Middle Years

Year 1 - Miss Cooper, Year 2 - Miss Tanner (Phase Lead), Year 3 - Mrs Bloor and Miss Nulty

Upper Years

Year 4 - Mrs Percival and Mrs Flatman, Year 5 - Miss Kaiser, Year 6 - Mrs Casey (Phase Lead)

We will be finalising the support staff before September.

Early Years

We are very excited about Early Years next year. Instead of having separate Nursery and Reception classes, we are going to use the classrooms and outdoor space as one unit for all the children in Early Years.

  • This will enable us to use our space more flexibly and provide the children with special areas for different parts of the curriculum.

  • The staff will also have more opportunities to use their specialist training and experience to teach a wider group of children.

  • The younger children will be able to learn more from the older ones.

  • There will be more opportunities to share successful teaching strategies.

  • Children with Special Educational Needs will have better access to specialised support.

  • Resources can be used more efficiently.

As this is a new development, your feedback will be really important for us in September.

Tchau Mr Murphy

You will notice that Mr Murphy is not on one of the cards, and that is because he is sadly leaving us at the end of the year. He is going to fulfil his ambition of teaching abroad, and will be starting a new teaching job in Brazil this summer.

I would like to thank Mr Murphy for all his hard work and support he has given to the children, and the staff. As a local to Newton Heath, I know he cares passionately about the futures of all our children, and I am sure he would want them to keep striving.

All the best for the future Mr Murphy. ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท

Annual Reports

These are now live in Parent Portal!

Please go into the app (or login online) and look for โ€˜Report Cardsโ€™. You will then be able to download the report and read the comments written by the class teachers. By using Parent Portal, it means that we have a secure way of sharing reports, and families will always have access to them in the future.

This is my first year of reading all the reports, and adding my comments. Even though it took me around 10 hours to complete, I really enjoyed seeing so many achievements and positive remarks. I felt even more proud of our fantastic children.

If you need help logging in and using Parent Portal, please get in touch with Mrs Mason, and she will able to help.

Nearing the endโ€ฆ

With only 4.5 days until the end of the school year, it is easy to think that this time isnโ€™t important. However, there are 190 school days a year, and each one is as important as another. I really want to see all the children in school (unless self-isolating) up until 1.30pm next Wednesday, and take every opportunity to learn and play with their friends and teachers.

Next week we will have some virtual Year 6 leavers events, and they really do deserve a special send off.

Thank you for your support as always.


Mr Sharp

Head Teacher

๐Ÿ›ถ Year 6 Trip to Trafford Water Sports Centre

Guest User

Dear Parents/Carers, 

Please see the attached letter and Google form regarding a planned trip to Sale Water Park for the Year 6 pupils on the 18th of June, 2021.

Please read all of the information carefully and fill out the Google forms. There are two Google forms to be filled out by parents/legal guardians. One for us as a school and one for Trafford Water Sports Centre. It is essential both forms are completed in order for your child to attend the trip. Both forms must be completed by Tuesday the 8th of June at the very latest.

You can also find all of this information for your perusal on the school website, Year 6 class page by following this link: https://www.allsaintsnh-pri.manchester.sch.uk/year-6 

Finally, as referenced in the attached letter, if you are able to contribute to the cost of this trip, please login via Parent Portal. Within Parent Portal you can select the quick actions option and select payments. Parent portal will be open to receive payments for the trip from Monday 17th of May, until Thursday 17th of June. 

I am very much looking forward to taking the children on a well-deserved trip after they have worked so incredibly hard this year (and in very tough times). 

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Casey.