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Culcheth Lane, Newton Heath, Manchester, M40 1LS
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0161 681 3455

Current News ๐Ÿ—ž

๐Ÿ—ž Newsletter 19.4.24

Guest User


Yesterday we talked in assembly about creativity. We spoke about how we can all be creative in different ways and this may be expressed in lots of different ways.

I spoke about not being very โ€˜artisticโ€™ myself but so much of this is probably because I โ€˜thinkโ€™ I canโ€™t do it and have not given myself chance to practice.

We then spoke about creativity being in a lot of different ways and sometimes people have to think creatively in finding solutions to a problem, etc.

We talked about creativity not being perfect. Sometimes itโ€™s a trial and error approach.

In assembly, I set Year 1-6 a task. I have asked them to get creative in improving our school and grounds. This can be in looking after things, planting something, creating displaysโ€ฆ the possibilities are endless and I look forward to seeing what they come up with.

Keep your eye out over this term for some spring colour coming into our grounds too, we canโ€™t wait to get creative!



Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

14 April (Sunday) VAISAKHI / BAISAKHI โ€“ Sikh

In 1699, on Vaisakhi, the tenth Guru, Gobind Singh, founded  the Order of the Khalsa. Five men (Five Beloved Ones), offered their lives when the Guru asked for volunteers. The โ€˜Five Ksโ€™, the outward signs of Sikhism, were made obligatory and Sikh men took the name โ€˜Singhโ€™ (lion) and women โ€˜Kaurโ€™ (princess). The initiation ceremony, amrit, was introduced.


Article 17


It has been lovely to see all the children come back in this week and I have seen just how quickly they have settled back in and hit the ground running. Especially Year 6, who have been keeping me busy with lots of maths problems!

We have had the new curtains fitted to the stage today and after having a new floor fitted over the Easter holidays, we are really excited to start doing performances up there again - watch this space.

Next week we are expecting a visit from Deborah Smith, Director of Education from the Manchester Diocese. We are very much looking forward to welcoming her to our school again and I am sure she will see the children flourishing.

We have had a brilliant start back in terms of attendance - please remember, every day counts!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Flatman


Most recent news:

Most recent Parent News:

๐Ÿ—ž Newsletter 28.3.24

Guest User

Easter Bunny Hopโ€ฆ

I would like to say a massive thank you to all who supported us in raising money for the charity Together Dementia Support. We were asked recently if we would be interested in joining them to raise money doing a sponsored Bunny Hop and staff and children were very much on board with supporting this charity.

Our Children found out all about the charity and the important work they do every day last week and then we had the most fantastic morning on Monday, with a visit from the Easter Bunny as well!

With Year 3-6 doing Bunny Hop Hurdles, Year 1-2 doing Bunny Hop Relays and EYFS trying to get the hoop on the Bunnyโ€™s Ears, they had the most fantastic time - every child even got a pair of Bunny Ears!

I am very touched and overwhelmed with the support given by families and together as a school we handed over, just over ยฃ1500 to the charity to enable them to continue the amazing work they do.

During the period of Lent and Ramadan, it is important that we reflect on those that may need our help and I think that our school did this beautifully through this event - thank you everyone!



Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Messy Church

It typically includes a welcome, a long creative time to explore the biblical theme through getting messy; a short celebration time involving story, prayer, song, games and similar; and a sit-down meal together at tables.

Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

11 * March (Monday) to 10 April (Wednesday) RAMADAN Muslim

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic Calendar, when the Prophet received the first revelation of verses of the Qurโ€™an.  It is the holiest month for Muslims, and they dedicate themselves to spiritual renewal, prayer and intensive devotional reading of the Qurโ€™an.   During the month of Ramadan Muslims are required to fast from daybreak until after sunset. No food or drink may be consumed during the hours of fasting, and those fasting must also abstain from smoking and from sexual relations. After the custom of the Prophet, the fast is traditionally broken each evening by taking dates and water.


Look at some more photos of our Bunny Hop event on Monday โ€ฆ


Article 12


Today we said goodbye and good luck to Mrs Devine as she starts her retirement. Mrs Devine has selflessly given the last 30 years of her working life to All Saints and our children and families and has had a lasting impact on so many. We wish her all the best in her retirement and lots of new adventures!

Thank you Mrs Devine from all of the All Saints family. We will miss you!


Thank you to all of the children, parents and staff for everything that has gone into this term - itโ€™s certainly been an eventful one but one with lots of happy smiles and successful moments. My highlights are always our celebration assemblies and class assemblies where we get to celebrate our childrenโ€™s achievements.

Our school has also changed so much in the last 3 months and will continue to do so - watch this space!

Next term promises to be equally as eventful with lots of school trips to look forward to and much more besides.

Have a lovely Easter holidays and we will see you when we return on Monday 15th April.

Mrs Flatman


Most recent news:

Most recent Parent News:

๐Ÿ—ž Newsletter 22.3.24

Guest User


As the nights are getting slightly lighter for longer and the sun is trying to work itโ€™s way through to see us a bit more, it is so nice to see the flowers growing and the cycle of the trees beginning to get their leaves back.

Spring also brings Easter, which for Christians brings the promise of new life.

The picture shown above is now a new addition at the bottom of our Year 3/4 staircase. I think it symbolises nature in our world (at the same time adding a little bit of colour and texture to our corridor - thanks again to Mrs Tierney!).

Sometimes it is important to step back and look at the world around us and the seasons and changes.

With all of the rush of life, the simple things are sometimes missed and the seasons seem to come and go. Nature is a wonderful thing and our world is so inspiring. Now the nicer days are coming, hopefully, I encourage everyone to get outside more and enjoy the nature around them.

Take time with family to enjoy the world around us.

Look out for more colour over next half term in our grounds too!



Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Messy Church

It typically includes a welcome, a long creative time to explore the biblical theme through getting messy; a short celebration time involving story, prayer, song, games and similar; and a sit-down meal together at tables.

Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

11 * March (Monday) to 10 April (Wednesday) RAMADAN Muslim

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic Calendar, when the Prophet received the first revelation of verses of the Qurโ€™an.  It is the holiest month for Muslims, and they dedicate themselves to spiritual renewal, prayer and intensive devotional reading of the Qurโ€™an.   During the month of Ramadan Muslims are required to fast from daybreak until after sunset. No food or drink may be consumed during the hours of fasting, and those fasting must also abstain from smoking and from sexual relations. After the custom of the Prophet, the fast is traditionally broken each evening by taking dates and water.


Look at some of the things we have been getting up toโ€ฆ


Article 12


Having the visit from Derek and some of the volunteers at Together Dementia Support got us very much in the spirit for supporting this highly worthwhile charity . We cannot wait to have our Easter Bunny Hop event on Monday and raise some money to help this charity continue its important work and support for families in need.

We have a busy week next week with lots of Easter Events (see previous message sent) and cannot wait to have lots of fun at the same time.

Shorter week next week with us finishing for our Easter holidays at 1.30pm next Thursday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Flatman


Most recent news:

Most recent Parent News:

๐Ÿ—ž Newsletter 8.3.2024

Guest User

World Book Day - 2024

It was so great to see the children (and staff!) get so involved with our World Book Day on Thursday.

It got me thinking about all of the โ€˜wordsโ€™ we use everyday and how many different words that were shared in that one day. We can also then reflect on the amount of words that are read everyday.

It was fantastic to see the children get to choose, from such a fantastic range, a new book to take home.

Reading with your child can be so rewarding. Even from a young age, getting your child to tell a story using pictures can be so beneficial and your child (and you!) will get so much from it. It can be a real quality time spent.

I am well aware that we can have reluctant readers (and if Iโ€™m honest, I probably sometimes was one as a child!) but giving children a wide range of text choices to read can really open up so many skills and engage even the most reluctant of reader.

I really hope that the children enjoy the books they brought home and would like to thank Mrs Casey and Miss Tanner for organising the day.



Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Messy Church

It typically includes a welcome, a long creative time to explore the biblical theme through getting messy; a short celebration time involving story, prayer, song, games and similar; and a sit-down meal together at tables.

Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

Mothering Sunday - Christianity

Sunday 10th March 2024

This year, the UK will celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday, March 10. The UK date of this celebration is rooted in the Christian observance of Lent, with Mothering Sunday taking place on the fourth Sunday, exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday.

Mother's Day is a celebration honouring the mother of the family or individual, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on different days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May.


Look at some of the things we have been getting up toโ€ฆ


Article 14


A busy week for many this weekโ€ฆ Parentsโ€™ Meetings for Years 3-6 on Tuesday, World Book Day on Thursday and Year 4โ€™s Class Assembly on Friday. I canโ€™t possibly pick out just one highlight!

There were many smiling faces leaving the Parentsโ€™ Meetings and it is great to see school and home working together and share successes of the children (we are here to help and when children may need that extra support, we will work together to find the best way to do it).

Seeing all the costumes and vocabulary shared on Thursday was fantastic and the enjoyment in choosing a book in the assembly was very clear.

Then to end on another wonderful Class Assembly, this time by Year 4, was just what we all needed to end the week off with a smile - it never fails to amaze me how much the children can achieve in such a short space of time.

Next week is just as busy!

  • Year 3 and 4 will be heading to Heathfield Church on Tuesday to learn more about what Easter means to Christians

  • Year 5 and 6 will be heading to Ten Acres to complete their first belt Grading in Taekwondo on Wednesday

  • Parentsโ€™ Meetings will be on Wednesday for EYFS and Year 1 and 2

  • Year 2 have their class assembly on Thursday afternoon at 2pm

  • Comic Relief on Friday - Children are welcome to come to school in Red (or own clothes if they donโ€™t have anything Red) - we will be learning a bit about Comic Relief and what it stands for throughout the day.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Flatman


Most recent news:

Most recent Parent News:

๐Ÿ—ž Newsletter 1.3.2024

Guest User

Learning with our childrenโ€ฆ

This week Miss Sprason held a Phonics Workshop for Parents of Reception.

It was lovely to see so many parents come and learn with their children.

So many things have changed since we were at school and ways to teach and learn has developed. To be able to share this with parents so that children can continue learning at home is really important.

We are always happy to explain how we are teaching things in classes and if you ever do have any questions about how to help your child at home, please donโ€™t hesitate to get in touch. Parentsโ€™ Meetings this next couple of weeks will also be a great opportunity to do this.

Children love to show you what they have been learning - I see this a lot with the children who come down to share what they have been learning and have achieved with me.

Itโ€™s always such a lovely opportunity to spend just 5-10 minutes out of your day finding out what they have learnt that day and getting them to show you.

Thank you Miss Sprason for leading the session this week.


As parents, itโ€™s never an easy task to keep you children safe online. There are many different ways we can do this as this video shows the importance of keeping children safe online.


Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Messy Church

It typically includes a welcome, a long creative time to explore the biblical theme through getting messy; a short celebration time involving story, prayer, song, games and similar; and a sit-down meal together at tables.

Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

25 * February (Sunday) LAILAT-UL-BARA'AH [The Night of Forgiveness] Muslim

Muslims seek forgiveness for their sins at this time.  Many hold that on this night a personโ€™s destiny is fixed by Allah for the coming year. The night is spent in prayer, asking for forgiveness and Godโ€™s guidance. Some fast during the daytime in preparation.  In certain parts of the world Muslims visit the graves of relatives, and the giving of charity is also traditional. In many places the night is marked with firework displays.


Look at all the things we got up to today in our Lent workshops โ€ฆ


Article 14


Lots of children getting straight back into their learning is what I have seen a lot of this week.

Seeing the children in the Lent Workshops today exploring what Christianโ€™s believe Lent represents and recognising similarities in other faiths was great to see and yet again our children shone for our visitors.

The building work has started on our carpark, and although it has taken a slight pause while we are waiting for a gate to be made, we are looking forward to a safer entrance for Parents and Children into our school.

Iโ€™m looking forward to Year 4โ€™s Class Assembly next week as I am sure the Year 4 parents are too.

Please remember to book your Parentsโ€™ Meeting for the next couple of weeks on the Arbor Portal.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Flatman


Most recent news:

Most recent Parent News:

๐Ÿ—ž Newsletter 16.2.2024

Guest User


In assemblies and collective worship this week we started on Monday with the Year 6 children talking to us about how we should take time to stop and think.

Thinking about things that are important and about how we can make a difference rather than thinking about the hundreds of things that we do every day that may not always be as important as other things.

We looked at the amount of things we need to think about in a day and spending some time thinking about how we can make a difference with our thoughts and actions rather than less important things we may focus our time on.

Shrove Tuesday

Father Andrew then sent the classes a video on Shrove Tuesday, talking to the children more about what Christians believe Lent is about and to share with the children about Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday moving through to Easter.

Ash Wednesday

Father Andrew then joined classes to share Ashes with those who wanted to receive them.

All of these events this week marked the start of Lent for Christians and it was lovely that all faiths joined in with learning more about what Lent means to Christians, while understanding about other faiths and their periods of fasting and also to take time to focus on making a difference with our thoughts and actions.


As parents, itโ€™s never an easy task to keep you children safe online. There are many different ways we can do this as this video shows the importance of keeping children safe online.


Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Messy Church

It typically includes a welcome, a long creative time to explore the biblical theme through getting messy; a short celebration time involving story, prayer, song, games and similar; and a sit-down meal together at tables.

Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

St Valentines Day (14th February)

Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14. It originated as a Christian feast day honouring a martyr named Valentine , and through later folk traditions it has also become a significant cultural, religious and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.

It was lovely to see many classes learn and talk about this feast and special day and share kindness and love with those around them.


Look at all the things we have got up to this weekโ€ฆ


Article 17:

Every child has the right to reliable information from the media.

You have the right to collect information from the media - radios, newspapers, television - from all around the world. You should also be protected from information that can harm you.


Mrs Marsden will be starting her Maternity Leave following the February Half Term holiday. I would like to take the opportunity to wish Mrs Marsden and her husband all the best in this next chapter of their growing family and I know you will join me in wishing them well.

We canโ€™t wait to meet Baby Marsden and share the news of his arrival with the class as I know they feel like they have been waiting a long time for him to come (although, not quite as long as Mrs Marsden!).

Mrs Bloor is very much looking forwards to teaching Year 1 after half term although, I know she will miss Year 2 who will be taught by Miss Nulty for the full week following half term.


Another busy week to end a successful and busy term. Our Girlsโ€™ and Boysโ€™ Football Teams have yet again ventured to St Wilfreds for their second match this year. Both teams are already improving and really coming together as a team which has been great to hear about. Our Boysโ€™ managed to come back undefeated and our Girlsโ€™ showed great teamwork and improvement in their skills and game playing. We have been so proud of them all this term.

Year 6 have been busy with their DT project and producing 3 course meals with dietary requirements - they have been so impressive and delicious. I can imagine we have some budding chefs in the making.

Over the half term break, the work will start on our carpark and entrance. This will continue into the next half term. This is to create a safer entrance to school, ensuring the car park is separate to our pedestrian entrance. A temporary entrance will be created and we ask that all parents use this entrance and not the staff car park as this will be a separate entrance.

Please try your very best to ensure your child is on time and entering through the correct gates as to reduce the amount of children coming in through the office.

I wish everyone a happy half term and would like to thank everyone for their support since January. Remember to book your Parentsโ€™ Meeting for when we return after half term.

Happy holidays!

Mrs Flatman


Most recent news:

Most recent Parent News: