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Current News ๐Ÿ—ž

Newsletter 27.9.24

Guest User

Comfort Zones!

This week a lot of the Year 6 children attended the Anderton Centre on their Year 6 Residential. They all pushed themselves out of their comfort zones in many different ways, whether this was staying away for the first time, conquering their fear of heights or water, stretching that little bit more to achieve something or even trying something different to eat.

We all have our own comfort zones and they are all unique to us, like our personalities! Stretching ourselves out of them can sometimes feel scary and a little bit unnerving however, the satisfaction once achieving something for the first time or knowing you have improved something gives us an enormous sense of pride.

I am so proud of all of the Year 6 children this week, those who went on the Residential and those who stayed in school and experiences different things too. Well done for stepping outside your comfort zones and showing everyone how amazing you really are!



Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

2 October (Wednesday) GANDHI JAYANTI Hindu

Gandhi Jayanti is an Indian national holiday that celebrates the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, who is referred to as the โ€˜Father of the Nationโ€™. He was the driving force behind the foundation of the state of India. His birthday is celebrated with services, prayers and painting and essay contests, using topics that glorify peace and non-violence, and the singing of Gandhiโ€™s favourite devotional song entitled โ€˜Raghupati Raghav Raja Ramโ€™ (Ram Dhun for short).


Look at what Nursery have been getting up to this last couple of weeks:



I LOVED seeing the Year 6 children go on their residential this week - the stories have been great to hear on their return and I have to admit, I really missed them all and wished I was with them!

We have said goodbye to Mrs Beck, our Senior Lunchtime Organiser, today which was very sad for staff and children. She has worked for our school for 30 years and supported so many children over their dinner times over these years. We wish her all the best in her new ventures and thank her for all that she has done for our school and our children.

I have had the pleasure of seeing some fantastic learning going on around school this week and love it when children bring me their learning so proud of what they have achieved. Celebration Assembly is always a highlight of my week - this week didnโ€™t fail to disappoint!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you on Monday.

Mrs Flatman


Most recent news:

Most recent Parent News:

Newsletter 6.9.24

Guest User

New School Year, New Beginningsโ€ฆ

When things end, we may sometimes feel a little unsettled but new beginnings are always to follow. I spoke to the children in Assembly on Tuesday about these often coming with lots of different emotions: excited, nervous, happy, to be just a few.

We have been so happy to see all of the children back this week with so many stories of their summer holidays. They have continued to wow us with their energy and enthusiasm and love for learning.

With this yearโ€™s new beginnings we can use the fresh start to make changes, to plan and think about what we want to achieve this year. For me this is always such a difficult one as my list would be endless but I think our vision speaks volumes as we set out how we can help our children and families be Healthier, Happier and more Confident.

I asked all the children to think about what they want to achieve this year and I canโ€™t wait to see them flourish and achieve these goals as the year goes on.



Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

6 / 7 September (Friday/ Saturday) GANESH CHATURTHI  [Birthday of Ganesh] Hindu

This is a Hindu festival in honour of Ganesh, the god of good fortune and new beginnings. He was the elephant headed son of Lord Shiva and Parvati, and is often referred to as Ganupati. Celebrations conclude with the immersion in water of the image of Ganesh.



Welcome back to all of our families. It has been so lovely to see the school filled again to start our school year. I do hope that everyone had a lovely summer.

I have been so proud of the way the children have come back into school and are beginning to settle into their learning and new classes already. It is always great seeing Year 1 and Year 3 move up onto their new yards and see their excitement for their new surroundings. It has also been fantastic to have so many of our old Year 6 children come back to see us and let us know how they are getting on in their new schools.

You may have noticed that Mr Lane hasnโ€™t been around towards the end of last term and the start of our new one. He is resting up and we hope to see him back soon.

I am sure the children (and staff!) will enjoy this weekend - the first week is always the hardest!

Have a lovely weekend - itโ€™s been nice to see a bit of sun to end the week off!

Mrs Flatman


Most recent news:

Most recent Parent News:

๐Ÿ—ž Last Newsletter of the Year - 24.7.24

Guest User

Summer Holidays

I really hope that everyone has a lovely summer and the children all have a fantastic summer holiday (fingers crossed we get some sun!). However, not to be negative, I also know how much pressure we often put on ourselves to make things perfect.

Having holidays with family are often the most valuable time in a childโ€™s life but often we donโ€™t need to go overboard with the plans - just having time with family is enough!

The children have all worked so hard this year and certainly deserve the well earned rest (as do the staff!).

The summer holidays are sometimes difficult for a number of reasons: a long time out of routine; childcare; money worries; and much more.

Try not to put too much pressure on yourselves. If you have a bad day, start again the day after. Not everything you do needs to cost money. Children are often so happy spending time with their parents, going for walks, exploring, playing board games and often just snuggled up watching a film.

Time goes so quickly and before you know it, it will be September and we will be starting the new school year again. As parents, we donโ€™t get many of these and they grow up before we know it. Enjoy the precious summer with your children and we cannot wait to see them back in September ready to learn and continue to grow!



Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

July 21st โ€“ Asalha Puja

For Buddhists, this day is the start of a three-month mandatory retreat for all monks. Buddhists visit temples to give offerings, pray and meditate and listen to sermons. It is intended to be a day of new beginnings and renewal.

Quite apt, I thought, as we end our school year and prepare for the new one to come.


There have been lots of goings on this term - take a look at Year 3โ€™s Art and DTโ€ฆ



Well, another year is coming to a close. With the Year 6 Leaversโ€™ Service taking place on Monday and their Leaversโ€™ Assembly on Tuesday, itโ€™s certainly been an emotional one! I want to take this opportunity to wish the Year 6s one final time all the luck in the world and I know they will make amazing things happen!

During the Leaversโ€™ Service I shared a few bits of advice (which I often give out in Assemblies!):

  • Be brave about meeting new people and trying things you havenโ€™t done before. 

  • Have big dreams and ambitions. Donโ€™t worry if they donโ€™t happen - you can try something else. 

  • Itโ€™s easy to feel defeated at times but view these moments as a challenge. Learn from these moments and pick yourself up and try again. 

  • Positivity attracts positivity - donโ€™t be negative about things, always try to look on the bright side and how you can control things and make things better. 

  • As you get older, youโ€™ll know yourself better. Always be true to yourself - never try to be something youโ€™re not.

  • Be aware of social media - use it wisely. 

  • Be kind - treat others the way you want to be treated.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the staff for all of their hard work throughout this year. It certainly has been an eventful year and one where lots of things have been overcome. I am so proud of our school, our children, our families and our staff for ALWAYS taking on the challenge and coming through it with a smile (albeit sometimes after some difficult moments). Thank you to everyone, children, parents and staff for your ongoing support. Without you all, we wouldnโ€™t have the wonderful school we have.

Have a lovely summer and we look forward to seeing all of the children back with us in September with lots of stories to tell Iโ€™m sure.

Mrs Flatman


Most recent news:

Most recent Parent News:

๐Ÿ—ž Newsletter 12.7.24

Guest User


On Wednesday, we saw England get through to the Final of the Euros 2024. The excitement in school yesterday was certainly seen and the buzz of possibility that England could win the Euros' on Sunday was clear.

Moving on from that we then had our transition morning on Thursday - this was where all of the classes moved up to meet their new teaches and see their new classrooms. Speaking with the children at lunchtime, it was clear they were excited for what was to come in September.

It made me reflect on how important faith and hope are to us. Faith that things will work out when then may be difficult and hope for the future and what is to come. These are both so critical and important to keep hold of in times of unknown and excitement!

I really do hope that the England team win the Euros 24 Final on Sunday but more so, I hope that all who enjoy watching it have a fantastic time, watching their country and supporting their country in a sport that is loved.



Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

Hijri New Year - Saturday 6th July - Sunday 7th July 2024

The Islamic New Year marks the beginning of the lunar Hijri year.

The Islamic New Year, also called the Hijri New Year, is the day that marks the beginning of a new lunar Hijri year, and is the day on which the year count is incremented. The first day of the Islamic year is observed by most Muslims on the first day of the month of Muharram.


There have been lots of goings on this term so far - have a look what some of the children have been getting up to this weekโ€ฆ



It was fantastic to see Year 4 return from their trip with such excited faces this week - the last of this years trips as we start to prepare for next years adventures!

All of the children moved up to their new class for a morning on Thursday and we had lots of excited children. We have 8 more days in school this school year before Year 6 leave us to go to their new schools and we move into our new phase of education. So much to look forward to.

Yesterday, in assembly, I asked the children to do 3 things throughout that morning:

  1. To make a good impression for their new teacher.

  2. To think about what they want to achieve next year.

  3. To think of something they may have struggled with last year and how they might overcome this next year and what could help them.

The following staff are in each class next year:

Nursery - Mrs Tennant and Miss Caveney

Reception - Miss Sprason

EYFS Support Staff - Miss Bulger, Mrs Pollitt, Miss Hughes and Miss Vowles

Year 1 - Mrs Bloor, Miss Radcliffe and Mrs Sheridan

Year 2 - Miss Nulty and Mrs Farrimond

Year 3 - Miss Tanner and Miss Joelle

Year 4 - Mr Hogan and Mrs Horton

Year 5 - Miss England and Mrs Allen

Year 6 - Mrs Casey and Mrs Tierney

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing all the children on Monday (hopefully after a win for England!) - we will be open at normal time but will keep the registers open until 10am incase we have any late nights due to the football.

Mrs Flatman


Most recent news:

Most recent Parent News:

๐Ÿ—ž Newsletter 5.7.24

Guest User

Friendship, New Adventures, Endings, Perseveranceโ€ฆ

I had the privilege of going away last weekend with Year 6 on their residential. I say privilege as, although we all can back sleep deprived and exhausted, seeing the children in this environment is really so rewarding. They made me so proud to be part of our school and their enthusiasm, manners, approach to everything and perseverance to it all was commendable.

Their teamwork was excellent and we laughed more than I would normally laugh in a weekend - thank you Year 6 for a fantastic time away!

It made me reflect on the skills that are developed on trips like this and the experiences that we want everyone to develop before leaving All Saints. As we are approaching the end of the school year and thinking about Year 6 moving onto their next adventure, what do we want them to leave us with.

This then takes us back to the route of everything, our Vision, of helping children be โ€˜Healthy, Happy and Confidentโ€™, which is what we aim for in all children that attend our school. There may be points where we feel less of these things for many reasons, but teaching skills such as resilience and perseverance certainly goes a long way to helping children (and adults!) lead a healthier, happier and more confident life.

Thanks again to all of the children for a great weekend and a special thanks to all of the staff who made it possible to go!



Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

Hijri New Year - Saturday 6th July - Sunday 7th July 2024

The Islamic New Year marks the beginning of the lunar Hijri year.

The Islamic New Year, also called the Hijri New Year, is the day that marks the beginning of a new lunar Hijri year, and is the day on which the year count is incremented. The first day of the Islamic year is observed by most Muslims on the first day of the month of Muharram.


There have been lots of goings on this term so far - have a look what Year 4 and Year 6 have been getting up to this week โ€ฆ



Apologies about the lack of Newsletter last week - my only excuse is a busy weekend with Year 6!

Another fun filled week, this week with our football fundraiser on Thursday - thanks for Miss England for all of the organising - the children loved it! Well done to Evie, in Year 3 for winning the most money raised. We raised over ยฃ390, which will be put towards our new Library project.

I have been busy reading all of the end of year reports and adding my comments, it makes me quite emotional reading how well children are doing both socially and academically. I am sure there will be lots of proud parents when they are sent out on the 17th July.

Next Thursday, the children will be taking part in transition morning. The following staff are in each class next year:

Nursery - Mrs Tennant and Miss Caveney

Reception - Miss Sprason

EYFS Support Staff - Miss Bulger, Mrs Pollitt, Miss Hughes and Miss Vowles

Year 1 - Mrs Bloor, Miss Radcliffe and Mrs Sheridan

Year 2 - Miss Nulty and Mrs Farrimond

Year 3 - Miss Tanner and Miss Joelle

Year 4 - Mr Hogan and Mrs Horton

Year 5 - Miss England and Mrs Allen

Year 6 - Mrs Casey and Mrs Tierney

I wish everyone a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing all the children on Monday.

Mrs Flatman


Most recent news:

Most recent Parent News:

๐Ÿ—ž Newsletter 21.6.24

Guest User

โ€˜Thank youโ€™

Many of our Year 6 started this week off with a Trip to the Cathedral for the Year 6 Leaversโ€™ Service. It was a real privilege to join them in the service.

The key messages of the service were around being grateful for all we have and for the experiences that we have had in our primary schools. Then the focus on courage and moving onto the next part of their journey.

The theme of the service was โ€˜running the raceโ€™. The children learnt about how important it was to take note of the things we have around to support them on their journey and especially through the next part of their journey.

One of the songs they had learnt for the service was aptly named, โ€˜Thank youโ€™. Focusing on thanking God for his support and guidance on our journey. No matter what faith (or no faith at all), we always have someone to thank for their unequivocal support and guidance through our journey, even as adults. Those people who never give up on us, even when we are sometimes ready to give up on ourselves.

Year 6 really did us proud at the service, they sang their hearts out and listened and reflected on the messages given. I do hope that it helps them and encourages them to look forward to the next stage of their journey - they are so ready!

I know they have lots of fantastic surprises up their sleeves before the end of the year and look forward to sharing them with you.



Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

Eid-ul-Adha - Monday 17th June 2024

(Saturday 15th June - Tuesday 18th June worldwide)

The name สฟId al-Adha means โ€œFestival of Sacrificeโ€ in Arabic. It refers to a story in the Koran, the holy book of Islam. In the story, God asks Ibrahim (also known as Abraham) to sacrifice, or kill, his son. Ibrahim prepares to do so, but then God lets him sacrifice a ram instead.

It was so lovely to hear about all of the celebrations that took place for many of our families on their return this week.


There have been lots of goings on this term so far - have a look what we have been getting up toโ€ฆ


Article 15


Wow - what a busy but fantastic week. With Eid celebration going on outside school for many of our families at the start of the week; Year 6โ€™s trip to the Cathedral; Outdoor Adventure Day for KS2; Year 2โ€™s trip to Formby Beach; Year 3โ€™s trip to Tatton Park; more football games after school; Gardening Club; Hockey Club; Football Club; Art Club; Games Club; Annaโ€™s Danceโ€ฆ. itโ€™s no wonder everyoneโ€™s tired! One of my favourite parts of my job is getting to hear all of the childrenโ€™s excitement and awe and wonder when going on trips or experiencing something new or exciting and this week has had it in abundance!

Throughout it all, I have had so many reports back to say how fantastic our children are and how well mannered and smart they have been - I have been very proud of them all.

Next week Year 6 will be heading off on their residential to the Anderson Centre and I cannot wait to share in their adventures.

I hope that everyone has a lovely weekend - it looks like it will hopefully be a sunny one!

Mrs Flatman


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