🗞 Newsletter 17.5.24
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Road Safety
Some of you may be aware of the accident that happened between a car and one of our pupils this Monday on the zebra crossing on Culcheth Lane.
I am pleased to say that the pupil is fine and after a trip to get checked nothing has been broken and she returned to school the next day her happy self.
It did make me think about how important it is to be so aware of our surroundings even when on zebra crossings and any moment of distraction can be dangerous.
They do not currently have a crossing patrol on this zebra crossing due to them being moved and as a school we have contacted the council to ask them to look at this again as a matter of urgency.
We have had a conversation about staying safe around roads with all children and with KS2 today as they are more likely to be walking without an adult.
We talked about even when they think they are crossing somewhere safe, they must make sure they are aware of their surroundings.
I am so relieved that all was ok this time and wish we could wrap all of our children up in cotton wool but we can’t so our next best thing is to educate them the best we can as to possible dangers and hazards that may be around.
Please take time, especially as the lighter evenings are here and children may be playing out more, to talk with your child about staying safe near roads.
Parent Portal
Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your child’s reports.
This picture was done by Karris in Year 5, she showed a high level of perseverance when doing this and didn’t give up at the first hurdle. It made me think about how much we need to keep going even when we find things difficult!
Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.
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Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨
Good Attendance Draw!!
Don’t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!
Services and Events
Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am
Sermon, music and Holy Communion
Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm
Time for a brew and a chat
More information from Father Andrew can be found here
Father Andrew has asked me to let everyone know that the Church will be taking part in the Whit Walks in Manchester again this year and everyone is welcome to join them. It will be on Monday 27th May and further details will follow.
Community News and Support
World Festivals and Celebrations
19th May - Pentecost (Christianity)
Pentecost, named after the Jewish festival when the disciples of Jesus first proclaimed the Gospel after the gift of the Holy Spirit, is seen as the ‘birthday’ of the Church. Its alternative name comes from the custom of baptizing converts dressed in white.
Article 15
Goodness, it’s been a full week! It has been so inspiring watching the Year 6 attack their SATs tests with such positivity (most of the time) and they were so ready. We are all so proud of them and know that they have done their absolute best. They certainly deserve a weekend off (as do the staff!). Thank you to everyone who supported and helped with the SATs this week to help them run as smoothly as possible.
Behind the scenes we are busy planning for the next phase of the entrance which will be starting to change over half term! We have also started prioritising and looking at planning for lots of school trips and resources for next year!
The week ended for me with the loveliest Class Assembly by Year 1. We even got a visit from Mrs Marsden and Coby which we all loved - she couldn’t resist coming to see Year 1’s assembly! I was blown away by the confidence of our Year 1 children and their fantastic reading. They really did shine!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend, whatever you have planned, and look forward to seeing everyone back next Monday for our last week before half term.
Mrs Flatman