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Culcheth Lane, Newton Heath, Manchester, M40 1LS
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0161 681 3455

Current News ๐Ÿ—ž

๐Ÿ—ž Newsletter 5.7.24

Guest User

Friendship, New Adventures, Endings, Perseveranceโ€ฆ

I had the privilege of going away last weekend with Year 6 on their residential. I say privilege as, although we all can back sleep deprived and exhausted, seeing the children in this environment is really so rewarding. They made me so proud to be part of our school and their enthusiasm, manners, approach to everything and perseverance to it all was commendable.

Their teamwork was excellent and we laughed more than I would normally laugh in a weekend - thank you Year 6 for a fantastic time away!

It made me reflect on the skills that are developed on trips like this and the experiences that we want everyone to develop before leaving All Saints. As we are approaching the end of the school year and thinking about Year 6 moving onto their next adventure, what do we want them to leave us with.

This then takes us back to the route of everything, our Vision, of helping children be โ€˜Healthy, Happy and Confidentโ€™, which is what we aim for in all children that attend our school. There may be points where we feel less of these things for many reasons, but teaching skills such as resilience and perseverance certainly goes a long way to helping children (and adults!) lead a healthier, happier and more confident life.

Thanks again to all of the children for a great weekend and a special thanks to all of the staff who made it possible to go!



Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

Hijri New Year - Saturday 6th July - Sunday 7th July 2024

The Islamic New Year marks the beginning of the lunar Hijri year.

The Islamic New Year, also called the Hijri New Year, is the day that marks the beginning of a new lunar Hijri year, and is the day on which the year count is incremented. The first day of the Islamic year is observed by most Muslims on the first day of the month of Muharram.


There have been lots of goings on this term so far - have a look what Year 4 and Year 6 have been getting up to this week โ€ฆ



Apologies about the lack of Newsletter last week - my only excuse is a busy weekend with Year 6!

Another fun filled week, this week with our football fundraiser on Thursday - thanks for Miss England for all of the organising - the children loved it! Well done to Evie, in Year 3 for winning the most money raised. We raised over ยฃ390, which will be put towards our new Library project.

I have been busy reading all of the end of year reports and adding my comments, it makes me quite emotional reading how well children are doing both socially and academically. I am sure there will be lots of proud parents when they are sent out on the 17th July.

Next Thursday, the children will be taking part in transition morning. The following staff are in each class next year:

Nursery - Mrs Tennant and Miss Caveney

Reception - Miss Sprason

EYFS Support Staff - Miss Bulger, Mrs Pollitt, Miss Hughes and Miss Vowles

Year 1 - Mrs Bloor, Miss Radcliffe and Mrs Sheridan

Year 2 - Miss Nulty and Mrs Farrimond

Year 3 - Miss Tanner and Miss Joelle

Year 4 - Mr Hogan and Mrs Horton

Year 5 - Miss England and Mrs Allen

Year 6 - Mrs Casey and Mrs Tierney

I wish everyone a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing all the children on Monday.

Mrs Flatman


Most recent news:

Most recent Parent News:

๐Ÿ—ž Newsletter 21.6.24

Guest User

โ€˜Thank youโ€™

Many of our Year 6 started this week off with a Trip to the Cathedral for the Year 6 Leaversโ€™ Service. It was a real privilege to join them in the service.

The key messages of the service were around being grateful for all we have and for the experiences that we have had in our primary schools. Then the focus on courage and moving onto the next part of their journey.

The theme of the service was โ€˜running the raceโ€™. The children learnt about how important it was to take note of the things we have around to support them on their journey and especially through the next part of their journey.

One of the songs they had learnt for the service was aptly named, โ€˜Thank youโ€™. Focusing on thanking God for his support and guidance on our journey. No matter what faith (or no faith at all), we always have someone to thank for their unequivocal support and guidance through our journey, even as adults. Those people who never give up on us, even when we are sometimes ready to give up on ourselves.

Year 6 really did us proud at the service, they sang their hearts out and listened and reflected on the messages given. I do hope that it helps them and encourages them to look forward to the next stage of their journey - they are so ready!

I know they have lots of fantastic surprises up their sleeves before the end of the year and look forward to sharing them with you.



Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

Eid-ul-Adha - Monday 17th June 2024

(Saturday 15th June - Tuesday 18th June worldwide)

The name สฟId al-Adha means โ€œFestival of Sacrificeโ€ in Arabic. It refers to a story in the Koran, the holy book of Islam. In the story, God asks Ibrahim (also known as Abraham) to sacrifice, or kill, his son. Ibrahim prepares to do so, but then God lets him sacrifice a ram instead.

It was so lovely to hear about all of the celebrations that took place for many of our families on their return this week.


There have been lots of goings on this term so far - have a look what we have been getting up toโ€ฆ


Article 15


Wow - what a busy but fantastic week. With Eid celebration going on outside school for many of our families at the start of the week; Year 6โ€™s trip to the Cathedral; Outdoor Adventure Day for KS2; Year 2โ€™s trip to Formby Beach; Year 3โ€™s trip to Tatton Park; more football games after school; Gardening Club; Hockey Club; Football Club; Art Club; Games Club; Annaโ€™s Danceโ€ฆ. itโ€™s no wonder everyoneโ€™s tired! One of my favourite parts of my job is getting to hear all of the childrenโ€™s excitement and awe and wonder when going on trips or experiencing something new or exciting and this week has had it in abundance!

Throughout it all, I have had so many reports back to say how fantastic our children are and how well mannered and smart they have been - I have been very proud of them all.

Next week Year 6 will be heading off on their residential to the Anderson Centre and I cannot wait to share in their adventures.

I hope that everyone has a lovely weekend - it looks like it will hopefully be a sunny one!

Mrs Flatman


Most recent news:

Most recent Parent News:

๐Ÿ—ž Newsletter 14.6.24

Guest User


Different people communicate in different ways and this week I was reminded of this in the nicest of ways.

On Tuesday, Year 6 came down as usual to hold the doors on the corridor. I walked out of the office to each pair of children on their doors practising the sign-language of the Lordโ€™s Prayer that they had just learnt in class for the Year 6 Cathedral Service next Monday. It really was a beautiful sight, and made me smile, at the same time as giving me and the children chance to reflect in Assembly on the thousands of ways we communicate with each other.

We are a school rich with lots of different languages but how can some of the ways we communicate be similar.

I reflected on the many different ways we communicate and how these can help us:

  • facial expressions

  • body language

  • sign language

  • gestures

  • pictures

  • writing

  • technology

  • actions

  • words

I spoke to the children in assembly this week about actions and kindness. This is the one of the most treasured forms of communication - we can all do it and it doesnโ€™t matter what language we speak.

Being kind costs nothing but is worth so much and is a form of communication that is always appreciated.



Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.

I have been made aware there was an incident on Church Avenue where a car has bumped into another car at school pick up time and not then stopped.

Please be courteous of everyone at this time. This is a very busy spot at this time and I ask that people are aware of other cars and pedestrians.

If anyone has any further information about the incident then please contact the school office.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

Eid-ul-Adha - Monday 17th June 2024

(Saturday 15th June - Tuesday 18th June worldwide)

The name สฟId al-Adha means โ€œFestival of Sacrificeโ€ in Arabic. It refers to a story in the Koran, the holy book of Islam. In the story, God asks Ibrahim (also known as Abraham) to sacrifice, or kill, his son. Ibrahim prepares to do so, but then God lets him sacrifice a ram instead.

We would like to wish everyone celebrating Eid next week a wonderful celebration and canโ€™t wait to hear about it from the children.


Both the Year 5 /6 Girls and Boys teams played Briscoe Lane this week at home. Their sportsmanship was outstanding and they really did shine as teams working together. Both teams won, with the boys coming out with a 3-1 victory and the girls with a 1-0 victory.

I would like to thank Miss England for all of the organising and coaching along with Mr Hogan.

Seeing the children play so well and then seeing their excitement and joy at winning was a real highlight to end the week.

It is important, also, to thank Briscoe Lane for their sportsmanship and for coming over to play against us - we look forward to the next opportunity.


Article 15


It was lovely to see all the children back this week after the two week break and what a way to start the half term - I have seen both Year 1 and 4 doing their Phonics Screening Tests and their Multiplication Tests this week and they have been so fantastic and have taken them completely in their stride - we have been very proud of them.

Many of you may have seen our new entrance to school. We are pleased to say that this work is now complete and we look forward to the next improvements coming!

Next week we have our Year 6 Leaversโ€™ Service at Manchester Cathedral on Monday, Year 2 will be visiting Formby Beach on Wednesday and Year 3 will be off to Tatton Park on Friday - a fun filled week, thatโ€™s for sure - I cannot wait to hear all of the stories and see the pictures!

I hope that everyone has a lovely weekend.

Mrs Flatman


Most recent news:

Most recent Parent News:

๐Ÿ—ž Newsletter 17.5.24

Guest User

Road Safety

Some of you may be aware of the accident that happened between a car and one of our pupils this Monday on the zebra crossing on Culcheth Lane.

I am pleased to say that the pupil is fine and after a trip to get checked nothing has been broken and she returned to school the next day her happy self.

It did make me think about how important it is to be so aware of our surroundings even when on zebra crossings and any moment of distraction can be dangerous.

They do not currently have a crossing patrol on this zebra crossing due to them being moved and as a school we have contacted the council to ask them to look at this again as a matter of urgency.

We have had a conversation about staying safe around roads with all children and with KS2 today as they are more likely to be walking without an adult.

We talked about even when they think they are crossing somewhere safe, they must make sure they are aware of their surroundings.

I am so relieved that all was ok this time and wish we could wrap all of our children up in cotton wool but we canโ€™t so our next best thing is to educate them the best we can as to possible dangers and hazards that may be around.

Please take time, especially as the lighter evenings are here and children may be playing out more, to talk with your child about staying safe near roads.



Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.

This picture was done by Karris in Year 5, she showed a high level of perseverance when doing this and didnโ€™t give up at the first hurdle. It made me think about how much we need to keep going even when we find things difficult!


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Father Andrew has asked me to let everyone know that the Church will be taking part in the Whit Walks in Manchester again this year and everyone is welcome to join them. It will be on Monday 27th May and further details will follow.

Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

19th May - Pentecost (Christianity)

Pentecost, named after the Jewish festival when the disciples of Jesus first proclaimed the Gospel after the gift of the Holy Spirit, is seen as the โ€˜birthdayโ€™ of the Church.  Its alternative name comes from the custom of baptizing converts dressed in white.


Article 15


Goodness, itโ€™s been a full week! It has been so inspiring watching the Year 6 attack their SATs tests with such positivity (most of the time) and they were so ready. We are all so proud of them and know that they have done their absolute best. They certainly deserve a weekend off (as do the staff!). Thank you to everyone who supported and helped with the SATs this week to help them run as smoothly as possible.

Behind the scenes we are busy planning for the next phase of the entrance which will be starting to change over half term! We have also started prioritising and looking at planning for lots of school trips and resources for next year!

The week ended for me with the loveliest Class Assembly by Year 1. We even got a visit from Mrs Marsden and Coby which we all loved - she couldnโ€™t resist coming to see Year 1โ€™s assembly! I was blown away by the confidence of our Year 1 children and their fantastic reading. They really did shine!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, whatever you have planned, and look forward to seeing everyone back next Monday for our last week before half term.

Mrs Flatman


Most recent news:

Most recent Parent News:

๐Ÿ—ž Newsletter 10.5.24

Guest User


This week Iโ€™m sure you will have seen in the news at some point about the GCSEs starting and some of you may have children that have started their GCSEs and will be starting their A-Levels soon.

It made me think about how we prepare them for these tests even from when they are with us in Primary School.

I canโ€™t lie, I donโ€™t like the pressure that tests can put on children and if I had my way they wouldnโ€™t exist! However, I do believe that as they are part of life, we must do our best to prepare them for doing their best and taking these โ€˜testsโ€™ in their stride - no matter what the subject and stage of life.

Our Year 6 children have their SATs tests next week. These are tests that measure their attainment in Maths, Reading Writing and Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation.

It is often the first time children (and parents) have a more formal assessment and can seem nerve-racking.

I want to assure you as parents, as I have the children in Year 6 today, that they have got this. They have worked hard and are ready to show what they know.

They are coming up to the middle of their formal education in school but we know that learning continues for a lifetime beyond that.

Good luck to all the Year 6 children next week - not that you need it!



Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Father Andrew has asked me to let everyone know that the Church will be taking part in the Whit Walks in Manchester again this year and everyone is welcome to join them. It will be on Monday 27th May and further details will follow.

Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

9th May - Ascension Day (Christianity)

The ascension of Jesus is the Christian teaching that Christ physically departed from Earth by rising into Heaven, in the presence of eleven of his apostles. According to the New Testament narrative, the ascension occurred 40 days after the resurrection. In the Christian tradition, reflected in the major Christian creeds and confessional statements, God exalted Jesus after his death, rising him from the dead and taking him to Heaven, where Jesus took his seat at the right hand of God.


Article 9


It has been lovely to see the sun out this week (even though it reminds us how hot our classrooms get in summer!). I had the privilege of giving the classes an extra break this week following all of their fantastic and โ€˜creativeโ€™ ideas to improve our schoolโ€™s grounds and environment. It is always so lovely to spend some time with the children throughout the school during their social time and does make me very proud of them.

Next week will be the Year 6 childrenโ€™s time to shine in their SATs tests. They are so ready and I know that they will do their best. This weekend is about relaxing, enjoying the sunshine and having fun, theyโ€™ve done the hard work, so enjoy the weekend and we look forward to seeing them on Monday full of energy and confidence.

I canโ€™t wait to see Year 1โ€™s Class Assembly next week and I am sure the parents canโ€™t too.

Have a lovely sun filled (hopefully!) weekend.

Mrs Flatman


Most recent news:

Most recent Parent News:

๐Ÿ—ž Newsletter 2.5.24

Guest User

Internet Safety / Social Media

I want to take a minute to just remind parents this week of the importance of keeping your children safe online.

This comes in so many different ways and is a minefield for many of us as so many children have a much better idea of the latest technology than we do.

This week, I have had a number of conversations with different groups of children about group chats on WhatsApp.

I think because so many of us use WhatsApp on a daily basis, we donโ€™t really think about the dangers that it may present for children.

I often speak to the children about WhatsApp and I say the same thing each time - โ€˜what is the age limit?โ€™ Previously, the age limit for WhatsApp was 16. This has recently been dropped to 13 (which is still 2 years older than our Year 6 pupils).

I know that children will be likely using this app, however, I want to encourage you, as parents to make sure they are as safe as possible if they are.

Some of the dangers that the NSPCC list about WhatsApp are:

  • unwanted contact

  • pressure to respond

  • location sharing

  • inappropriate content

  • cyber bullying

  • oversharing



Parent Portal

Use this for updating contact details, child medical information, permissions, payments and seeing your childโ€™s reports.


Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late.

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ

Please be aware that our gates are locked a few minutes after 8.50am, which is the latest time one of our classes starts the school day. If your child arrives at 9am, then they are already between 10-15 minutes late. ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ


Good Attendance Draw!!

Donโ€™t forget, for every week that your child has an attendance of 96%+, they are allocated a digital ticket for a draw that will take place every half term. The more weeks with an attendance of 96%+, the more chances to win!

Services and Events

Parish Sung Eucharist Sundays 10am - 11am

Sermon, music and Holy Communion

Place of Welcome Thursdays 10am - 12pm

Time for a brew and a chat


More information from Father Andrew can be found here


Community News and Support


World Festivals and Celebrations

1st May - May Day

May Day is a holiday that celebrates the return of Spring. It usually takes place on May 1. Many people celebrate May Day with festivals or flowers. One of the oldest May Day traditions is the maypole.


Have a look at some of the trips that have taken place this last 2 weeks and some of the other things we have been getting up toโ€ฆ

Article 18


Wow - what a busy 2 weeks we have had. Our Urban Crew went to their enterprise event last week and Year 1 had their trip to the zoo which was then followed by Year 5โ€™s trip to Tatton Park this week. All children came back with such big smiles and lots of stories of what they had seen and learnt.

Seeing the Year 1 get off the coach last week and come into school telling me all of the animals that they had seen at Blackpool Zoo, was a particular highlight for me. I absolutely love the children getting out and learning somewhere other than school and I hope to get more and more trips and experiences into our curriculum.

Over the next term we have trips to the farm, further trips to Tatton Park, a trip to Formby Beach and the Anderson Centre Residential. On top of this we have a Forensic Science day in school, an adventurous outdoor activity day in school and a football fun day to raise money for school funds. All, I hope, will create new experiences and memories for the children.

We hope to have our new gate โ€˜finallyโ€™ fitted this weekend which will make the front of our school again look finished once more with the new entrance coming on and our new stage ready for itโ€™s performers, it really is exciting to see so much progress around school in the way of improving the environment for the children too!

I hope you have a lovely bank holiday weekend and we will see you back on Tuesday 7th May for a slightly shorter, however, just as jam packed week I am sure!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Flatman


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Most recent Parent News: